Monday, 30 November 2015

Why Laurens way?

We all like to think that we are always right? Yes!

Or is that just me...

I love thinking I am always right, and what a fight I have internally when trying to prove to myself that I am not, nor do I always need to be.

It should be about finding the best way forward, putting your pride aside but standing tall in your moral grounding... 

I often remind myself of Catherine Tate's character whose catch phrase is "I can do that". See the awkward video below:

Could I be that bad? I think yes. It comes at a high price - one that you cannot always pay and one that most definitely is not worth it. 

Basically my entire Blog is about UN-teaching myself that it is always Lauren's way and to learn to let things be, and let life play out the way it is meant to. Having self introspect can be one of the most valuable things that one can possess, being your best friend at times and your enemy at others... Your choice to make it one or the other or find a good balance between friend and foe.

I often find myself thinking:

"Did you just say that Lauren? 
Was that necessary?
Let them have their moment, it's not a competition... (or is it! ;-) ) 
Oh my word, shut up Lauren..
Okay now really, stop talking Lauren...
Can someone interrupt me?? Please??"

These thoughts always end in, "Next time, I will be quiet and think"

Don't even google talking to yourself or telling yourself to be quiet. It doesn't come up as self introspection but rather a mental illness.

I've got my game face on, bring it on world. 

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